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Welcome to SLBC Chhattisgarh
The State Level Bankers' Committee (SLBC) was constituted in Chhattisgarh to act as a consultative and coordination body of all financial institutions operating in the State. The committee is expected to discuss issues, consider alternative solutions to the various problems in the field of banking development and evolve a consensus for coordinated action by the member institutions. State Bank of India took over the Convenorship of SLBC from State Bank of India in 1982 and since then numerous SLBC meetings were organized by State Bank of India Bank in the State besides several meetings of the Standing committee.
- 96th (Sep 2024) SLBC Data Table
- 95th (June 2024) SLBC Data Table
- 92nd (Sep 2023), 93rd (Dec 2023) & 94th (March 2024) SLBC Minutes
- 92nd (Sep 2023), 93rd (Dec 2023) & 94th (March 2024) SLBC Meeting Agenda
- 94th (March 2024) SLBC Data Table
- Scale of Finance 2024-25
- 93rd (Dec 2023) SLBC Data Table
- 92nd (Sep 2023) SLBC Data Table
- 91st (June 2023) SLBC Minutes
- 91st (June 2023) SLBC Agenda
- 91st (June 2023) SLBC Data Table
- 90th (March 2023) SLBC Agenda
- 90th (March 2023) SLBC Minutes
- 90th (March 2023) SLBC Data Table
- 89th (Dec 22)SLBC Minutes
- 89th (Dec 22) SLBC Agenda
- 89th (Dec 22) SLBC Data Table
- 88th (Sep 22) SLBC Minutes
- 88th (Sep 22) SLBC Data Table
- 88th (Sep 22) SLBC Agenda
- 87th (June 22)SLBC Minutes
- 87th (June 2022) Agenda
- 86th (March 2022) Minutes
- Scale of Finance 2022-23
- 86th (March 2022) Agenda
- 86th (March 2022)Data Table
- 85th (Dec 21)SLBC Minutes
- 85th (Dec 21)SLBC Agenda
- 85th (Dec 21) Data Table
- 84th SLBC Agenda
- 84th (sep 21) Data Table
- 82nd (March-2021) & 83rd (June-2021) SLBC Minutes
- 83rd (June-2021) SLBC Agenda
- 83rd (June-2021) SLBC Data Table
- 82nd (March-2021) SLBC Agenda
- 82nd (March-2021) SLBC Data Table
- Scale Of Finance 2021-22
- June 2020 (79th) / Sep 2020 (80th) / Dec 2020(81st) SLBC Minutes
- 81st (Dec - 2020) SLBC Data Table
- 81st (Dec - 2020) SLBC Agenda
- 80th (Sep - 2020) SLBC Agenda
- 80th (Sep - 2020) SLBC Data Table
- 79th (June - 2020) SLBC Agenda
- 79th (June - 2020) SLBC Data Table
- वित्तीय जागरूकता सन्देश (फेम)
- पीएम स्वनिधि
- PM Svanidhi
- Chhattisgarh Block Codes
- RBI Master Circular KCC Scheme for Fisheries & Animal Husbandry
- Doubling of Farmers Income by 2022 - Seminar On "कृषकों की आय में त्वरित एवं टिकाऊ हेतु व्यावसायिक कृषि के प्राद्शा प्रसार के कार्ययोजना"